Skua Documentation

Project maintained by BrenoHenrike Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


As with any property or method from the CoreStory.cs file, you can call upon them by starting with Story. (Story Dot)


Method Definition Return Type Description
  int QuestID,
  string MapName,
  string MonsterName,
  bool GetReward = true,
  string Reward = "All",
bool AutoCompleteQuest = true
void Kills a monster for a Quest, and turns in the quest if possible. Automatically checks if the next quest is unlocked. If it is, it will skip this one.
  int QuestID,
  string MapName,
  string[] MonsterNames,
  bool GetReward = true,
  string Reward = "All",
bool AutoCompleteQuest = true
void Kills an array of monsters for a Quest, and turns in the quest if possible. Automatically checks if the next quest is unlocked. If it is, it will skip this one.
  int QuestID,
  string MapName,
  int MapItemID,
  int Amount&nbsp 1,
  bool GetReward = true,
  string Reward = "All",
 bool AutoCompleteQuest = true
void Gets MapItems X times for a Quest, and turns in the quest if possible. Automatically checks if the next quest is unlocked. If it is, it will skip this one.
  int QuestID,
  string MapName,
  int[] MapItemIDs,
  int Amount = 1,
  bool GetReward = true,
  string Reward "All",
 bool AutoCompleteQuest = true
void Gets MapItems X times for a Quest, and turns in the quest if possible. Automatically checks if the next quest is unlocked. If it is, it will skip this one.
  int QuestID,
  string MapName,
  int ShopID,
  string ItemName,
  int Amount = 1,
  bool GetReward = true,
  string Reward&nbsp "All",
 bool AutoCompleteQuest = true
void Buys an item X times for a quest, and turns in the quest if possible. Automatically checks if the next quest is unlocked. If it is, it will skip this one.
  int QuestID,
  bool GetReward = true,
  string Reward = "All"
bool Accepts a quest and then turns it in again. Automatically checks if the next quest is unlocked. If it is, it will skip this one.
PreLoad() void Put this at the start of your story script so that the bot will load all quests that are used in the bot. This will speed up any progression checks tremendiously.