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Script Options

You can add configurable options to your script easily by giving it an Options field which is of type List<IOption>.

Setting Up

To add configurable options, your script should have a OptionsStorage field which is a string that determines the file system location your script’s options are saved at. The value of this field should be unique to your script to ensure option’s don’t clash with other scripts. Your script’s options will be stored in a file at options/{OptionsStorage}.cfg.

using System;
using RBot;

public class Script
    public string OptionsStorage = "test_script";

    public void ScriptMain(ScriptInterface bot)
        //... code here

If no OptionsStorage field is found, a value of "default" is used instead.

By default, the script configuration window will open when the script is started if no script with the script’s OptionsStorage is configured already. If you would not like the configuration window to automatically open, add another field to your script called DontPreconfigure and set it to true:

public string OptionsStorage = "test_script";
public bool DontPreconfigure = true;

If you would like to force the configuration window to open every time your script starts (including when a relogin occurs, and the script is restarted), set DontPreconfigure to true, and call bot.Config.Configure() at the start of your script (i.e. at the start of ScriptMain). This will pause the script’s execution until the configuration window is closed.

Adding configurable Options

Options have a name, display name, description, default value, type and a boolean which determines whether they are transient or not. If an option is marked as transient, its value is not saved. Options must have a type which inherits IConvertable. The constructor for an option is as follows:

Option(string name, string displayName, string description, T defaultValue = default, bool transient = false)

Note: the defaultValue and transient parameters are both optional and have default values.

To add configurable options to your script, you do the following. Note the added imports to System.Collections.Generic and RBot.Options:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using RBot;
using RBot.Options;

public class Script

    public string OptionsStorage = "test_script";

    public List<IOption> Options = new()
        new Option<bool>("loadBank", "Load Bank", "If enabled, the bank is loaded before the script starts.", true),
        new Option<string>("mapName", "Map Name", "The name of the map to join at the start of the script.", "battleon")

    public void ScriptMain(ScriptInterface bot)
        bot.Options.SafeTimings = true;
        bot.Options.RestPackets = true;

        //...code here

Using configured Options

You can get and set the values of script options through ScriptInterface#Config using their Name (the first parameter to the Option constructor):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using RBot;
using RBot.Options;

public class Script
    public string OptionsStorage = "test_script";

    public List<IOption> Options = new()
        new Option<bool>("loadBank", "Load Bank", "If enabled, the bank is loaded before the script starts.", true),
        new Option<string>("mapName", "Map Name", "The name of the map to join at the start of the script.", "battleon")

    public void ScriptMain(ScriptInterface bot)
        bot.Options.SafeTimings = true;
        bot.Options.RestPackets = true;


Enumerated Options

If you would like to add options which have a range of selectable values, you can implement an enum in your script and use that as your option type:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using RBot;
using RBot.Options;

public class Script

    public string OptionsStorage = "test_script";

    public List<IOption> Options = new()
        new Option<OptionEnum>("test", "Enumerated Option", "This is a test enumerated option.")

    public void ScriptMain(ScriptInterface bot)
        bot.Options.SafeTimings = true;
        bot.Options.RestPackets = true;

            case OptionEnum.Option1:
                // some code...
            case OptionEnum.Option2:
                // some other code...
            case OptionEnum.Option3:
                // some other other code...

public enum OptionEnum

Manually opening Configuration UI

You can manually open the configuration UI by clicking the Script Options button on the main form after loading a script (if the script has any configurable option).

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