Skua Documentation

Project maintained by BrenoHenrike Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Most of the bot’s functionality is called through ScriptInterface#Player. There are many methods for movement, combat and properties that can be examined.


Property Type Description
ID int The id of the player. This is useful for building packets.
XP int The player’s current XP.
RequiredXP int The XP required for the player to level up.
Cell string The name of the cell the player is currently in.
Pad string The name of the pad that the player spawned from.
ServerIP string The server to which the player is currently connected.
Playing bool Indicates whether the player is both logged in and alive.
LoggedIn bool Indicates whether the player is logged in.
Username string The username of the player.
Password string The password of the player.
Kicked bool Indicates whether the player has been kicked (disconnected) and is currently at the login screen with the red countdown text.
State int The state of the player. 0 is dead, 1 is idle, and 2 is in combat.
InCombat bool Indicates whether the player is in combat.
IsMember bool Indicates whether the player has an active membership.
Alive bool Indicates whether the player is alive.
Health int The player’s current health.
MaxHealth int The player’s maximum health.
Mana int The player’s current mana.
MaxMana int The player’s maximum mana.
Level int The player’s level.
Gold int The player’s gold.
Rank int The player’s current class rank.
HasTarget bool Indicates whether the player currently has a target selected.
Loaded bool Indicates whether the player’s avatar is loaded.
AccessLevel int The player’s access level.
Upgrade bool Gets/sets whether the player is upgrade or not.
Skills SkillInfo[] Gets an array containing information about the player’s current skills.
AFK bool Indicates whether the player is AFK.
Position PointF Gets the player’s current position.
X float The player’s current X coordinate.
Y float The player’s current Y coordinate.
WalkSpeed int Gets or sets the player’s walk speed.
Scale int This does nothing at the moment.
Factions List<Faction> Gets a list of the player’s factions and information about them.
Target Monster Gets the player’s current target. Returns null if no monster target is selected.
CurrentDrops List<string> Gets a list of item names currently on the drop stack.
CurrentDropInfos List<DropInfo> Gets a list of drops available with their counts.


Method Definition Return Type Description
GetDrop(string item) void Sends a get drop packet for the desired item if it exists in the drop stack.
GetDrop(int id) void Sends a get drop packet for the desired item if it exists in the drop stack.
Pickup(params string[] items) void Picks up the specified items.
PickupFast(params string[] items) void Picks up the specified items without waiting for them to be picked up (equivalent to Pickup without SafeTimings).
PickupACItems() void Picks up all AC tagged items.
RejectExcept(params string[] items) void Rejects all drops except for the given ones.
RejectExceptFast(params string[] items) void Rejects all drops except for the given ones without waiting for the items to be picked up (equivalent to Pickup without SafeTimings).
DropExists(string name) bool Checks whether the specified drop exists.
PickupAll(bool skipWait = false) void Picks up all available drops (If skipWait = true, will ignoreSafeTimings ).
RejectAll(bool skipWait = false) void Rejects all available drops (If skipWait = true, will ignore SafeTimings ).
WalkTo(float x, float y) void Walks to the specified point.
SetSpawnPoint() void Sets the player’s spawn point to the current cell.
SetSpawnPoint(string cell, string pad) void Sets the player’s spawn point to the given cell and pad.
LoadBank(bool waitForLoad = true) void Loads the player’s bank. If waitForLoad = true, will wait for the bank to load.
Login(string username, string password) void Logs into the game with the specified username and password.
Relogin(RBot.Servers.Server server) bool Re logs into the specified server, if no server is specified will re login to the last server.
Connect(string serverName) void Connects to the game server with the specified name.
Connect(RBot.Servers.Server server) void Connects to the specified game server.
ConnectIP(string ip) void Connects to the game server with the specified IP address.
Recconect(string serverName, int loginDelay = 2000) void Logs in and connects to the specified server. Will wait the specified loginDelay(in milliseconds) to connect to the server.
Logout() void Logs out of the game. Useful to trigger an auto-relogin.
UntargetSelf() void Untargets the player if they are currently targeted.
CancelTarget() void Untargets the currently targeted player/monster.
ApproachTarget() void Walks towards (approaches) the currently selected target.
Attack(string name) void Attacks the monster with the specified name. This will not wait until it kills the target.
Attack(RBot.Monsters.Monster monster) void Attacks the specified instance of monster. This will not wait until it kills the target.
Attack(int id) void Attacks the monster with the specified map id. This will not wait until it kills the target.
Kill(string name) void Attacks the specified monster until it is dead.
Kill(Monster monster) void Attacks the specified monster instance until it is dead.
KillForItem(string name, string item, int quantity, bool tempItem = false, bool rejectElse = true) void Kills the specified monster until the desired item is collected in the desired quantity.
KillForItems(string name, string[] items, int[] quantities, bool tempItems = false, bool rejectElse = true) void Kills the specified monster until the desired items are collected in the desired quantities.
Hunt(string name) void Searches the current room for a monster with the given name and jumps to that monster’s cell to kill it. To specify multiple monster names, separate them in name with a '\|' character. This method disregards ScriptInterface#HuntPriority.
HuntWithPriority(string name, HuntPriorities priority) void Hunts monsters with a priority. If there is no priority, this has the same behaviour as just Hunt. If a priority is specified, monsters in the map are sorted by the given priority. Once sorted, the monster in the current cell which best matches the priority is killed. Otherwise, a cell jump is awaited and done based on ScriptOptions#HuntDelay.
HuntForItem(string name, string item, int quantity, bool tempItem = false, bool rejectElse = true) void Hunts the specified monster(s) until the specified quantity of an item is obtained.
HuntForItem(string[] names, string item, int quantity, bool tempItem = false, bool rejectElse = true) void Overload for HuntForItem where an array of names can be passed. This is equivalent to separating monster names with a '\|'.
HuntForItem(List<string> names, string item, int quantity, bool tempItem = false, bool rejectElse = true) void Another overload for HuntForItem where a list of monster names can be passed.
HuntForItems(string name, string[] items, int[] quantities, bool tempItems = false, bool rejectElse = true) void Hunts the specified monster(s) until the specified quantities of items are obtained. The same overloads that exist for HuntForItem exist for this method.
AttackPlayer(string name) void Attacks the specified player.
void KillPlayer(string name) void Attacks the specified player until they are dead (if SafeTimings are enabled). This should only be used in PVP.
void UseSkill(int index) void Uses the skill at the given index (1-4).
CanUseSkill(int index) bool Checks if the given skill has cooled down.
Jump(string cell, string pad, bool clientOnly = false) bool Jumps the player to the specified cell and pad. If clientOnly = true this will not send a packet to the server.
Join(string map, string cell = "Enter", string pad = "Spawn", bool ignoreCheck = false) void Joins the map and jumps to the specified cell and pad (you don’t need specify the cell and pad as they have default values). This method will keep attempting to join the specified map with a 2.5 second delay until it succeeds. If ignoreCheck = true the bot will not check if the player is in the room already.
JoinIgnore(string map) void Joins the specified map, ignoring whether or not you are in that map.
JoinGlitched(string map, string cell = "Spawn", string pad = "Enter") void Patched, will work like Join(string map, string cell = "Spawn", string pad = "Enter").
Goto(string name) void Goes to the specified player.
EquipItem(string item) void Equips the item with the given name.
EquipItem(int id) void Equips the item with the specified id.
OpenBank() void Opens the player’s bank.
Rest(bool full = false, int timeout = -1) void Rests the player. If full is true, the bot will wait until the player’s health and mana are full or until the specified timeout runs out.
IsBoostActive(RBot.Item.BoostTypes boost) bool Checks if the specified boost is active.
UseBoost(int id) void Uses the boost with the given id.
GetFactionRank(string name) int Gets the players rank of the given faction.


The main use of ScriptInterface#Player is movement and combat. This is especially useful in fulfilling quest requirements. Examples can be found at the end of the documentation.

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