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Object Classes & Enums

While scripting you might stumble uppon different classes and enums that are required for some methods, in this page they all will be listed.

Object Classes

You might have noted that some methods can either accept or return a class object or even a list of them, for example ScriptInterface#Map.GetPlayer("name") will return a PlayerInfo object. With those objects you can read, set and use all the available information inside your scripts. The object classes you will find in RBot are listed bellow with their respective namespace and inheritances.


From RBot.Players.

Property Type Description
Name string The player’s name (username). This is always lower case.
HP int The player’s current HP.
MaxHP int The player’s maximum HP.
MP int The player’s current mana.
Stats RBot.Players.PlayerStats The player’s stats. Only your player will have any stats loaded. This is also incomplete.
AFK bool Determines whether the player is AFK or not.
EntID int The player’s entity ID.
Level int The player’s level.
Cell string The player’s cell.
Pad string The player’s pad.
X float The player’s X coordinate.
Y float The player’s Y coordinate;
State int The state of the player (0 = dead, 1 = idle, 2 = combat).

You can use the method PlayerInfo#ToString() to return a string formatted like {EntID}: {Name} with each respective variable filled with the player info.


From RBot.Monsters.

Property Type Description
Name string The name of the monster.
ID int The unique id of the monster.
Race string The race of the monster. Can be useful when you want to equip respective damage boost item.
Cell string The name of the cell that contains this monster.
MapID int The map id of the monster. This can be used to target specific monsters in a room when multiple monsters with the same name exist.
HP int The health of the monster.
MaxHP int The maximum health points of the monster.
State int The state of the monster. When State > 0, the monster is alive, otherwise it is dead.
FileName string The SWF file name of the monster.
Alive bool Returns whether the monster is Alive by checking its HP.

You can use the method Monster#ToString() to return a string formatted like {Name} [{ID}] [{MapID}, {Cell}] with each respective variable filled with the monster info.


From RBot.Quests.

Property Type Description
Name string The name of the quest.
ID int The id of the quest.
Slot int The slot of the quest. Used to check if it’s unlocked (< 0) in a history.
Value int The value of the quest. Used to check if it’s unlocked (Slot >= Value - 1) in a history.
Description string The description of the quest.
EndText string The description of the quest after completion.
Once bool Whether this quest can only be completed once.
Field string The field of the quest. Used to check if a daily quest is completed (!= null)
Index int The index of the quest. Used to check if a daily quest is completed (!= 0)
Upgrade bool Whether this quest requires upgrade.
Level int The level required to accept the quest.
RequiredClassID int The id of the class required to accept the quest.
RequiredClassPoints int The class points required to accept the quest.
RequiredFactionId int The faction required to accept the quest.
RequiredFactionRep int The required faction rep to accept the quest.
Gold int The amount of gold this quest gives as a reward.
XP int The amount of XP this quest gives as a reward.
Status string The status of the quest. If not equals null, the quest is active; if equals c, the quest is completed.
Active bool Indicates whether the quest is active or not.
AcceptRequirements List<RBot.Items.ItemBase> The items required in the player’s inventory to accept the quest.
Requirements List<RBot.Items.ItemBase> The required items/temp items to turn in the quest.
Rewards List<RBot.Items.ItemBase> The items given as a reward for completing the quest.
SimpleRewards List<RBot.Items.SimpleReward> Item drop rates are mapped to their IDs in this list.

You can use the method Quest#ToString() to return a string formatted like {Name} [{ID}] with each respective variable filled with the quest info. These properties can be used as a trustful source of information about the quest, as they are acquired on the run preventing typos that can be found in the wiki and possible future name changes.


From RBot.Items.

Property Type Description
ID int The ID of the item.
Name string The name of the item.
Description string The description of the item.
Quantity int The quantity of the item in this stack.
MaxStack int The maximum stack size of this item.
Upgrade bool Wether it is a member/legend only item.
Coins bool Wether it is an AC item.
Category ItemCategory The category of the item. (Sword, Armor, etc.)
Temp bool Whether it is a temporary item.
ItemGroup string The filter group of the item. co = Armor; ba = Cape; he = Helm; pe = Pet; Weapon = Weapon; None = usually bag items.

The item base class have commom properties through some other item objects that inherit from it.

InventoryItem : ItemBase

From RBot.Items.

Property Type Description
CharItemID int The character (instance) ID of this item.
Equipped bool Whether it is equipped by the player.
Meta string The meta value of the item. This is where the boosts (XP, REP, etc.) are shown.
Level int The level of the item.
EnhancementLevel int The enhancement level of the item.
EnhancementPatternID int A number that reflects which enhancement is currently applied to an item.

ShopItem : ItemBase

From RBot.Items.

Property Type Description
ShopItemID int The shop specific item ID of the item.
Cost int The cost of the item.
Level int The level of the item.
Faction string The faction needed to buy this item.
RequiredReputation int The needed reputation amount to buy this item (goes from 0 to 302500).
Requirements List<RBot.Items.ItemBase> A list of all there required items to merge the item.


From RBot.Items.

Property Type Description
MapItemID int The ID of the map item.
MapName string The name of the map.
MapFilePath string The path of the map file.
QuestID int The quest where the map item is required.

You can use the method MapItem#ToString() to return a string formatted like Item ID [{MapItemID}], Quest [{QuestID}] with each respective variable filled with the map item info.

SimpleReward : ItemBase

From RBot.Quests.

Property Type Description
Rate double The drop rate of the item.
Type int An integer that defines the type of the reward (0 - Guaranteed; 1 - May receive; 2 - Choose).


From RBot.Servers.

Property Type Description
Name string The name of the game server.
IP string The IP address of the game server.
ChatLevel int The chat level of the server (canned = 0, free = 2).
Port int The port the server listens on.
Online bool Whether the server is online.
Lang string The language of the server.
PlayerCount int The number of players currently on the server.
Upgrade bool Whether the server is member only.

You can use the method Server#ToString() to return a string formatted like {Name} - {PlayerCount} with each respective variable filled with the quest info.


Enumerated types are a way to define named constant integer values used mainly as parameters. The usage is EnumName.EnumMember, but note that you may need to include the namespace by either using Namespace keyword at the beginning of the script or writing it all out like Namespace.EnumName.EnumMember.


From RBot.

Used to define the hunting priority of the hunting methods in ScriptInterface#Options.HuntPriority.


From RBot.Items.

Used in the method ScriptInterface#Player.IsBoostActive(BoostType boost).


From RBot.Items.

May be useful if 2 items in the inventory share the same name but not the same category.

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