Skua Documentation

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Information about the currently loaded map (room) can be obtained through the ScriptInterface#Map object.


Property Type Description
Name string The name of the map. This does not include the room number.
RoomID int The map’s area id. This is required in some packets.
PlayerCount int The number of players in the currently loaded map.
PlayerNames List<string> The list of player names in the currently loaded map.
Players List<PlayerInfo> The list of players in the current map.
CellPlayers List<PlayerInfo> The list of players in the current cell.
Loaded bool Indicates whether a map is currently loaded.
Cells List<string> An list of all the cell names in the map.
LastMap string The name of the last map joined in the session.
MapFilePath string The path of the last map file.
MapFileName string The name of the map file, from the MapFilePath.
MapFileTown string The town of the map (usually the region of the map, the first part of MapFilePath)


Method Definition Return Type Description
Reload() void Reloads the current map.
GetMapItem(int id) void Sends a getMapItem packet with the specified id. This is useful for quests that require some sort of map interaction.
PlayerExists(string name) bool Checks if the player with the given name exists in the map.
GetPlayer(string username) RBot.Players.PlayerInfo Gets information about the player with the given name. The player must be loaded in the current map.
TryGetPlayer(string username) bool; out RBot.Players.PlayerInfo Whether the player exists and is loaded in the current map. It outs the PlayerInfo of the given name.
Reload() void Reloads the current map.

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